Therapy Dog Classes
Volunteer pet therapy is one of the most rewarding activities you can do with your dog.
It’s a wonderful volunteer service to share with the people in your community. It takes your relationship with your dog to an entirely new level: you become partners and your bond deepens. You'll meet interesting people you might never otherwise meet. And, you'll experience the rewards and joy of watching the difference your dog can make, simply by spending time with those in need.
New session begins late fall.
Please contact us to be put on the notification list.
$300 for an 8 Week Class
Class sizes are limited
Minimum of Four (4) Dogs Enrolled for a Class to be Held
Instructor: Joan Meyer
Therapy Dog Training Class Schedule
Therapy Dog Training Class Descriptions:
Therapy Dog Training - Prerequisites: Ages 1 year and up, Canine Good Citizen certification earned when the dog was at least 1 year old.
This class prepares you and your dog for social visits to hospitals, nursing homes, to reading programs at schools, libraries, and visits to other public settings. Therapy dogs and their owners work together as a team to improve the lives of other people.
Dogs must have a Canine Good Citizenship certification that was received after they were 1 year old to enroll in this program.